Megumi Yoshioka

Megumi Yoshioka was born in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, a picturesque beach city in Mexico. She comes from a multicultural family, with a Japanese father and a Mexican mother, and grew up alongside her two siblings. She enjoys classic literature and video games, finding time to appreciate both in her day-to-day life. During her university years, she participated in her university's disaster relief program following Mexico's 2017 earthquake, contributing to the recovery efforts during a challenging time for the country.

Megumi graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor's Degree in Law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and subsequently earned a post-graduate degree in Labor Law.  Megumi's legal and administrative expertise allows the Wilcox & Mastrorocco lawyers to resolve your case in a more expeditious manner and uncover evidence that may add value to your claim. As a native Spanish-speaker, Megumi is excited to work with both of our Spanish and English speaking clients. 

Megumi Yoshioka nació en Mazatlán, Sinaloa, una pintoresca ciudad costera de México. Proviene de una familia multicultural, con un padre japonés y una madre mexicana, y creció junto a sus dos hermanos. Le apasionan la literatura clásica y los videojuegos, encontrando tiempo para disfrutar de ambos en su día a día. Durante sus años universitarios, participó en el programa de ayuda ante desastres de su universidad tras el terremoto de 2017 en México, contribuyendo a los esfuerzos de ayuda y socorro en un momento difícil para el país.

Megumi se graduó en 2020 con una Licenciatura en Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y, posteriormente, obtuvo un posgrado en Derecho Laboral. La experiencia legal y administrativa de Megumi permite a los abogados de Wilcox & Mastrorocco resolver su caso de manera más expedita y descubrir evidencia que podría añadir valor a su reclamación. Como hablante nativa de español, Megumi está entusiasmada de trabajar con nuestros clientes de habla hispana e inglesa.

We Can Make Things Right

Wilcox & Mastrorocco is here to listen to you, navigate you through the complex legal system, and guide you on your path to injury recovery. Let us shoulder your stress regarding your injury claim and get you the compensation you are owed.

Contact Us Today

Wilcox & Mastrorocco offers a free consultation within 24 business hours, and we will gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule your no-risk appointment. Hablamos español.